Our Story

Hey there, I’m Jommy, and I’m absolutely thrilled to have you here! 🌟 The creative journey started in 2018 when I dove headfirst into the world of clip art. Life got a bit crazy, and clip art took a little hiatus. But hold up – life had a sweet surprise waiting for me!

I stumbled upon the magic of life planning with a good ol’ planner, and let me tell you, it was like finding a creative soulmate. ✨ Fueled with energy and oozing creative vibes, I decided to whip up my very own digital planner.

Now, here’s where the story gets even more exciting. I shared my creation with a friend, and boom! They dropped a game-changer: “Why not pair it with some cute stickers?” Pure brilliance, right? That’s when the shift to digital stickers and planners happened, and every creation has been a joy ride since!

What sets us apart is our absolute love for hand-drawn designs. Picture every stroke filled with love and creativity, making your planner and stickers uniquely charming.

I’m over the moon to have your support, and I genuinely hope each piece brings a burst of joy to your life. Questions or just fancy a chat? Drop me a line! 🎨💖 Cheers to creativity and a planner filled with sticker happiness! 🌈